Severe Drought in Cape Town, South Africa

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Two years ago, Cape Town, South Africa had severe drought. This drought was caused by poor rainfall for three years. All of the sectors in Cape Town have significantly reduced their water consumption as a result. They stopped using baths and even removed eucalyptus trees that take thousands of liters of water. Furthermore, the tourism sector is also affected, It has been decreasing because of this drought.
Due to this crisis, citizens in Cape Town had to reduce their water consumption to 50 liters per person per day. If they exceeded that amount, they would be fined and their water would be shut off. The highest usage areas are the poorer areas because there were pipes that were broken and leaked. Sadly, the people in these areas also didn't take the problem seriously. They thought that this was a trick and they would overuse the water again whenever they got it.
There is a rainbow always after the rain. This crisis showed people that they were not using water as efficiently as they should. It also made people become more caring about the others. They helped their neighbors to get water, and they learned more about recycling and reusing water.
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